The 49% Org

Welcome to The 49%.
We're reframing the narrative around women's rights, one story at a time.

A Lens for Change

At The 49%, we believe in the transformative power of storytelling. Through film, multimedia, and community engagement, we're reframing the dialogue around women's rights and advocating for systemic, sustainable change. Our mission is simple but profound: to elevate underrepresented voices and catalyze action through the universal language of film.

A Glimpse at our Work

Here you'll find a curated selection of our most impactful videos—each one a testament to the resilience, strength, and advocacy of women worldwide. From short documentaries to awareness campaigns, these stories challenge the status quo and spark critical conversations.


Chime for Change


In Protest

Beyond The Silver Screen

Our international festivals serve as a platform for filmmakers and activists committed to gender equality.

From panel discussions to workshops, we create spaces that foster dialogue, education, and collective action.

Regular screenings followed by in-depth discussions, offering a safe space to dissect, debate, and drive change.

Real Stories. Real Change

Our impact isn't measured merely in views or likes but in the tangible change we see in the communities we serve. From legislative shifts to cultural transformation, the stories we amplify are crafting a new narrative for women worldwide.

Power The Change

Your donation amplifies stories that reshape the world.